Steven Lash, president and CEO of Satori World Medical, previously talked about his expectations of more growth in the medical travel industry. Given that many people now travel for health and wellness reasons, the medical and tourism industries of many countries have been stepping up to improve on what they can offer and attract more to their facilities.
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Medical travel is currently booming, and this increased popularity among consumers is seen as a factor that will fuel changes in the industry in the coming years.
Previously, the main motivator for patients travelling overseas for medical treatment was the cost. The high cost of local health care is, in many cases, discouraging for many people in need of surgery, treatment, and medication. There was a need for an alternative avenue for treatment–one that could be taken without making a significant dent in a person’s savings or increasing one’s debts.
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This consumer ‘need’ was described as one of the greatest contributors to the growth of the medical travel industry. Consumers chose the alternative because they just couldn’t afford the local option due to the high costs.
Things are expected to change. Local health centers are expected to implement some changes that could slow the outflow of patients. As a result, local and overseas options will be on equal footing, and consumers will weigh their options based on appeal. The next step for growth in the travel industry is expected to be fueled by consumers that choose to have their treatment done overseas on a ‘want’ basis instead of a ‘need.’
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