Sunday, December 16, 2012

Against frayed health care: The unbridled benefits of medical travel

Satori World Medical--benefits of medical travel   --image credit:
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Over the past years, over half a million patients jetting off to faraway lands every year have been easily turning many heads. Head count increases as more people head off outside the border with a single aim: cut cost on medical care.

Medical travel has presented a new insightful look on the alternative and has effectively proven a cost-effective option to an unaffordable healthcare. The Western populace, long held hostage by the exorbitant medical costs, is now seen appreciative of the benefits of medical tourism. The trend, now fully accelerated, is indeed on a blitz.

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Steven Lash, CEO of the pioneering healthcare travel brand Satori Medical World, knows that with the world taking a new leaf on medical travel, more people will finally fully understand the larger benefits of medical travel. The good results and wonderful medical travel experiences of people who grabbed the opportunity simply dismantle fear and uncertainty. "We have been getting quite a bit of traction and it's easy to see why,” says Lash.

The healthcare sector is currently in a box. While patients try hard enough to wiggle out, there seems to be too little space to crawl on. Medical travel may be a long aisle of a solution, but it is way too good a leg room that the world can’t afford to ignore.

There’s one undisputable fact today: Medical travel is a breather. It’s like people pushing their head off and they just head out.

Satori world Medical-- medical tourism is never boring--image credit:
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