Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Analyzing the different colors of urine

Since urination is the primary way of dumping excess water, chemicals, and toxins from the body, the urine’s color and consistency can be very effective indicators of the body’s condition.

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Basically, the urine of a healthy person is light yellow in color, less odorous, has little to no bubbles, and clear in consistency. This indicates that the person is properly excreting liquid waste, and that he or she has optimal water intake. Anything darker or lighter than this urine color may indicate an underlying condition.

However, it is very important to understand that an abnormal urine color is only a symptom not directly indicative of having a certain disease or condition. A color change can also be caused by food products or medications that contain certain chemicals or dyes.

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Here are some of the most common urine colors:

Clear urine can indicate that the person might be overhydrated and is at risk of water intoxication. It can also mean that he or she is suffering from diabetes insipidus (water diabetes).

Blue urine usually indicates that the person is excreting a high concentration of blue dye, which may be caused by the methylene blue dyes that are used in some medications like Viagra.

Dark yellow urine shows that the person is not drinking enough water; the color indicates that the urine is over-concentrated with waste. However, eating certain foods, like asparagus, can also cause the urine to have dark yellow color.

Urination is an important biological process, and taking note of these color changes can give people an idea of their body’s condition.

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Steven Lash is the president and CEO of Satori World Medical. Visit Satori’s website for more information about how medical travel can change the way you look at health care.

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