Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Excess weight: The military's new battle

Potential military recruits fresh from a life of minimal strenuous physical activity are commonly shellshocked by military fitness regimens. Considering a career in the military means meeting stringent health requirements, including weight prerequisites. Unfit recruits, or an overweight and sedentary youth base from where recruits will come in the future, represent a growing problem of the US armed forces today.

Image source: News.wyotech.edu

 Forbes tackles the worrisome prospects of the current weight and physical fitness of American youth. Backed by two academic reports, the article concludes that the American youth are eating too much but exercising less. They consume about “400 billion calories of junk food every year.” The American military may therefore be hardpressed to ensure the physical fitness of its future armed forces.

  Image source: Mensfitness.com

Ret. General Richard Myers warns in an opinion piece that joined with other disqualifying factors, weight issues will ultimately eliminate the chances of youth between the ages of 17 and 24 for a career in the military.

Unfortunately, bulging waistlines are not only common among the base of recruits. They also plague existing troops. The Pentagon has been behooved to evaluate obesity-related medical problems among soldiers, veterans, and their families.

Image source: Centraltogether.org.uk

Physical fitness is not just a matter of personal concern for soldiers. Servicemen have to understand that their health is crucial to national security.  

Steven Lash, one of the country’s most prominent health visionaries, established Satori World Medical in San Diego to provide Americans safe and efficient medical travel services for various physical conditions, including weight and obesity issues. More information on medical travel is available at this website.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New obesity drug replicates benefits of gastric bypass surgery

Mayo Clinic describes how a gastric bypass procedure alters the digestive system to help individuals drop excess weight. The procedure essentially reduces nutrient absorption and/or controls the amount of food patients can eat. It is a drastic weight-loss strategy when dieting and exercise are no longer effective, and it is also an effective and timely intervention when serious health issues arise from obesity.

However, recent developments could dodge gastric bypass surgery altogether. The Telegraph unveiled a drug being developed by a team of scientists from Imperial College London that will mimic the effects of a gastric bypass surgery to help patients lose weight.

The drug, which creates lasting hormones, tricks the brain into thinking that the body has taken in enough food.  Researchers hope it will be a better alternative to gastric bypas surgery.  Although the drug is initially expensive, it is created to be a safe and effective treatment option for patients wanting to lose excess pounds.

Image source: Fullplateliving.org

Professor Steve Bloom, who leads the study, still lauds the effectiveness of gastric bypass surgery. However, from a practical point of view, obesity affects an extremely large proportion of the population and causes death from related diseases. “We can’t expect to conduct surgery on half of Europe, for example,” he says.

“So we asked the question of whether we really need to carry out the surgery at all,” Professor Bloom adds.

If it takes appetite suppressants—no matter how expensive they are—to stop overweight people from eating as much as they do and keep them healthy in the long term, then this newfound drug might just be the thing in the future.  

Image source: Warwick.ac.uk

Many people trust Steven Lash and Satori World Medical of San Diego as a provider of their medical travel needs, including interventions for obesity. Visit the company’s website to find out more about its services.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Medical tourists: Enjoying life while attending to their health needs

Among the thousands of travelers who regularly flock to popular destinations for leisure, a growing percentage is also traveling abroad for medical treatment. The growth in the medical travel industry has been fueled by problems in the healthcare systems in developed countries.

Image Source: 123rf.com

In the US, one of the problems is that high-quality care comes at a punitive price. This is why some who feel burdened by the high costs of care search for good options outside the country.

Meanwhile, medical institutions in developing countries have been significantly improving their facilities and their services. Many have created programs to attract foreign patients to their hospitals – with highlights like highly competent English-speaking staff and hospital rooms with all the modern conveniences preferred by tourists.

Image Source: medicaltravelprovider.com

Medical travel is an enticing option for many patients. Not only do they get the opportunity to get the treatment that will improve quality of life, they also can do it while experiencing the culture of another country.

While many still have doubts about going overseas for medical treatment, it is still a less expensive alternative. With enough research and preparation, traveling patients can find medical professionals they can trust and a country they’d like to visit for medical treatments.

Image Source: whatclinic.com

Steven Lash is the President and CEO of Satori World Medical, a medical travel concierge services provider. For more information about medical treatments overseas, visit www.satoriworld.med.com.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why the medical travel industry needs social media

Image Source: stevenlash.blogspot.com

The medical travel industry is peopled with healthcare practitioners and healthcare management professionals. Their services and expertise are primed for interaction with patients. However, in the medical travel industry, patients are no longer just patients; they turn into consumers who have decisive roles in the kinds of services meted to them.

In medical travel, patients have more choices and can pick their own medical travel provider with the desire for more value for their money. And they no longer rely on medical travel companies’ websites and brochures, formerly where the markets sought references. Potential medical tourists are now more Internet savvy, reading online articles and reviews written about available medical travel providers. They seek out feedback people who have had the same medical procedures.

Image Source: physiciansweekly.com

This is why medical travel companies need to invest more on their online presence, actively engaging and conversing with potential customers in order to build rapport and create patient advocates. Building a loyal client base is a continuing conversation that can take place in social media.

Social media is fast outpacing traditional methods of marketing and communication, and medical travel companies who take advantage of it may very well lead the industry to a new era.

Image Source: imedicalapps.com

Steven Lash is the founder and CEO of Satori World Medical in San Diego. More information about him and his company can be found at this website.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Why expensive healthcare does not always mean the best

While the nation struggles with various problems in the healthcare system, important medical treatments remain inaccessible for many. The cost of medical products and procedures are higher in the US than in other countries. For people paying for these out of their own pockets, the price is too steep.

Image Source: npr.org

For some, a solution has been to think outside the box and consider getting treatment where it is cheaper – overseas. Medical travel is currently a burgeoning industry, with more patients considering medical institutions overseas as one of their more accessible healthcare options. 

Previously, most patients had reservations about seeking cheaper care options, believing that lower costs are indicative of substandard quality. However, news about the quality of care in medical institutions outside the US has worked to convince many patients to venture out.

Image Source: telegraph.co.uk

It’s difficult to ignore the benefits of medical travel. For many, the alternative is to go on without treatment or wait until either the price drops or their savings grow.

Venturing out of the country for a necessary surgery does have its pitfalls. But with proper preparation and research, patients can easily get the treatment that they need to reclaim their healthy lives.

Image Source: mymedholiday.com/

Steven Lash is the president and CEO of Satori World Medical, a leader in medical travel services. For more information on medical treatments available abroad, visit www.satoriworld.med.com.

Monday, July 29, 2013

REPOST: Nightmares After the I.C.U.

This article on the New York Times wellness blog, reveals that a significant number of patients who have stayed in an intensive care unit in the United States may have symptoms of PTSD for up to two years after their experience. Find out why here:

When Lygia Dunsworth was sedated, intubated and strapped down in the intensive care unit at a Fort Worth hospital, she was racked by paranoid hallucinations:

Outside her window, she saw helicopters evacuating patients from an impending tornado, leaving her behind. Nurses plotted to toss her into rough lake waters. She hallucinated an escape from the I.C.U. — she ducked into a food freezer, only to find herself surrounded by body parts.

Mrs. Dunsworth, who had been gravely ill from abdominal infections and surgeries, eventually recovered physically. But for several years, her stay in intensive care tormented her. She had short-term memory loss and difficulty sleeping. She would not go into the ocean or a lake. She was terrified to fly or even travel alone.

Nor would she talk about it. “Either people think you’re crazy or you scare them,” said Mrs. Dunsworth, 54, a registered nurse in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. In fact, she was having symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Lygia Dunsworth, a registered nurse in Texas, had traumatic hallucinations while in the I.C.U. after abdominal surgery and infection. Afterward she had symptoms associated with PTSD for several years.
Image Source: well.blogs.nytimes.com

Annually, about five million patients stay in an intensive care unit in the United States. Studies show that up to 35 percent may have symptoms of PTSD for as long as two years after that experience, particularly if they had a prolonged stay due to a critical illness with severe infection or respiratory failure. Those persistent symptoms include intrusive thoughts, avoidant behaviors, mood swings, emotional numbness and reckless behavior.

Yet I.C.U.-induced PTSD has been largely unidentified and untreated. When patients leave the I.C.U., said Dr. O. Joseph Bienvenu, a psychiatrist and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, “Everyone pays attention to whether patients can walk and how weak they are. But it’s the exception for them to be screened for psychiatric symptoms like post-traumatic stress or low mood.”

Now critical care specialists are trying to prevent or shorten the duration of the mood disorders, which can rattle not only I.C.U. patients but their frantic relatives. Sometimes family members, rather than the sedated patient, develop the symptoms of having been traumatized, tormented by memories of a loved one thrashing in restraints, delirious, near death. Other PTSD sufferers — victims of combat, sexual assault or natural disasters — also endure flashbacks, but theirs are grounded in episodes that can often be corroborated. What is unsettling for post-I.C.U. patients is that no one can verify their seemingly real horrors; one patient described a food cart in the I.C.U. selling strips of her flayed flesh.

“I.C.U. patients have vivid memories of events that objectively didn’t occur,” Dr. Bienvenu said. “They recall being raped and tortured as opposed to what really happened,” such as painful procedures like the insertion of catheters and IV lines.

The I.C.U. setting itself can feel sinister to patients, as if lifted from “The Twilight Zone.” The eerie, sleep-indifferent lights. The cacophony of machines and alarms.

Certain treatments in the I.C.U. may be grim, but they are essential. Intubation, for example: Patients who need help breathing must have a plastic tube placed down their windpipes for mechanical ventilation. The feeling of near-suffocation and the inability to speak can be nightmarish. Such invasive procedures may raise the odds that a patient develops PTSD.

A longer I.C.U. stay also increases the risk of post-traumatic symptoms. But some patients arrive more vulnerable to PTSD. Women may be more at risk than men, as are patients with a history of depression or other emotional difficulties. Because patients are often rushed to the I.C.U. unexpectedly, doctors cannot take a psychological history.

Age may be a factor. Elderly patients generally recover more slowly, but younger patients may be more likely to develop symptoms of PTSD. Experts suspect that young patients, further from natural mortality, are even more shaken by the possibility of unanticipated death.

Moreover, the violent events that land patients in the I.C.U., like gunshots and car crashes, tend to happen to younger people, noted Dr. Babar Ali Khan, an assistant professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Those events also exacerbate the onset of PTSD, he said.

But researchers have begun to identify the I.C.U. treatment that has led to the most harrowing flashbacks: sedation.

Sedation — to manage pain and compel patients to lie still and not fight the ventilator — is crucial in the I.C.U. But many sedatives contribute to the patient’s delirium and intense hallucinations, which can return, unbidden, for years.

A British doctor, Sarah Wake, was a 25-year-old intern when in 2011 she was intubated and sedated in the I.C.U. following a severe reaction to an asthma medication. She described her hallucinations in the British journal BMJ in May: “Blood seeping through holes and cracks in my skin, forming a puddle of red around me.”

She wrote that the fragmented delusional memories made it difficult for her to understand what had happened. “This prevented my psychological recovery and led to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder.”

For months she could not work in a hospital. Even now, after therapy, she is practicing medicine again and yet, she wrote, “I still cannot bear a shower curtain to be drawn as it reminds me of closed hospital curtains and hidden death.”

Dr. Wake was given benzodiazepines, a class of sedatives that includes Valium and Ativan, as well as opioids for pain. Researchers now believe that benzodiazepines may intensify the hallucinations that are so disturbing to I.C.U. patients.

The philosophy about I.C.U. sedation has gone through pendulum swings. In the 1970s, patients on ventilators were allowed to remain awake. But doctors turned to benzodiazepines to calm anxious patients and prevent them from fighting the tubes. If a patient was heavily sedated, thought doctors, the resulting amnesia about the ordeal would be worthwhile.

But in the last decade, researchers have realized that the benzodiazepines did not just give patients amnesia: the delirium and hallucinations they may also trigger in critically ill patients may set the stage for PTSD. Opioids can also cause delirium. Dose and duration are also relevant.

In January, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, concerned about the weakened physical, cognitive and psychological condition of many post-I.C.U. patients, released new sedation guidelines.

They urged I.C.U. doctors to treat pain first and only then to weigh using benzodiazepines for anxiety. Although evidence is not definitive, lighter sedation seems tied to better cognitive and physical rehabilitative recovery, as well as fewer and less shattering hallucinations. I.C.U. staff were encouraged to keep assessing patients for pain, alertness and delirium.

Dr. Dale M. Needham, an associate professor in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Johns Hopkins, noted that even when the sedation has stopped, a patient’s delirium may continue.

Many patients return home mentally shaken, with physical and cognitive weaknesses. Dr. Needham said they haven’t “fully recovered within six months or a year.” Therefore, he added, the I.C.U. stay can place a lingering burden on both the patient and the family.

I.C.U. nurses have taken the lead in efforts to alleviate the trauma of stays and to shorten the duration of the subsequent mood disorders, for both families as well as patients. In Britain, Germany and some Scandinavian countries, nurses in many critical care units keep a diary of the care they provide to a patient, with contributions from the family, which they give to the patient upon discharge. The diaries function as a realistic counterpoint to patients’ hallucinations or amnesia.

Judy E. Davidson, research nurse liaison for themedical center at the University of California, San Diego,and a former critical care nurse, teaches nurses to work with relatives of I.C.U. patients to reduce post-trauma symptoms of their own.

“The antecedent to PTSD is fear, horror and helplessness,” Dr. Davidson said. “If you give relatives things to do — applying lip balm and hand lotion to the patient, keeping their joints limber — it keeps their minds active and decreases the fear response and helplessness.”

The details of what happens in the I.C.U. often stay in the I.C.U.: primary care physicians rarely learn about their patients’ difficult journeys there, and so often do not evaluate them for problems that may have arisen. In the interim, a handful of hospitals in the United States are focusing on the challenges faced by post-I.C.U. patients, including PTSD.

Once a week for the last two years, Dr. Khan, a pulmonologist, has been seeing patients at the Critical Care Recovery Center at Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis. His team treats post-I.C.U. patients who have spent at least two days on a mechanical ventilator or suffered acute brain dysfunction during that period. About half, he said, develop PTSD.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has been running a post-I.C.U. clinic on Friday afternoons since last fall. Typically, the treatment team includes a critical care nurse-practitioner, a psychologist, a pharmacist, a pulmonologist and a nurse who functions in a social worker capacity. They evaluate patients for physical, cognitive, social and psychological impairments.

But whether patients or family members develop PTSD symptoms or the full disorder, persuading them to seek treatment poses unique challenges.

About three years ago a woman, then 35, had a hysterectomy at a Tennessee community hospital but developed a severe infection. She awoke in the I.C.U., intubated, with delusions that she had been raped and that her family had abandoned her.

Since being discharged, she has had nightmares. She is afraid of crowds, frightened of contagion. She has retreated from activities at church and her children’s school. She has become claustrophobic, in reaction to having been restrained in the I.C.U., said James C. Jackson, a psychologist and assistant professor in the division of critical care medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, who worked with the patient in a study.

Though she knows she needs help, she is too anxious to go back to the community hospital, which she associates with so much anguish. Such avoidant behavior, Dr. Jackson noted, is among the most debilitating of PTSD symptoms. Even now, seeking medical care anywhere is extremely difficult for her. “This phenomenon is not uncommon,” he said. “But it makes it hard for individuals who need help to take the necessary steps to get it.”

Satori World Medical is a medical travel company that offers all-inclusive medical travel concierge services that broaden the horizons for patients who are seeking a different healthcare experience. Find out more about medical travel at www.satoriworldmedical.com.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Thailand: Improving medical travel and avoiding complacency

Image Source: novasans.com

Thailand has been successful in attracting tourists from all over the world. BBC confirmed this in its 2012 report citing 2010 travel figures: more than 89% of medical travelers went to Thailand, India, and Singapore that year, with Bangkok and Singapore being the main destinations.

The International Medical Travel Journal also presented figures lending evidence to Thailand’s power as a tourist attraction, particularly among Russians and Eastern Europeans. The number of Russians travelling to the Southeast Asian emerging economy had increased by 24% to 1.31 million in 2012.

This growth is not surprising, since Thailand has earned a reputation for gracious and attentive medical service, and most importantly, affordable medical care. However, the medical travel industry is apprehensive that low prices and a steady increase in demand could be unprofitable in the long run. Complacency is at the root of this worry, as voiced by the Tourism Authority of Thailand. Thailand’s dominance in medical tourism may take the focus away from quality operational standards and fall into a volatile reliance on numbers to fuel profit.

Image Source: thailandmedtourism.com

The tourism body then stated its intention to counter this dangerous tendency by taking on new advances in technology for cosmetic, fertility, anti-aging, and cell treatments targeting markets from Australia, Asia, Russia, and the USA.

Steven Lash, CEO of Satori World Medical, a San Diego-based medical travel company released a statement assuring medical tourists of the quality of medical services in Bangkok:

“The hospitals in Bangkok are some of the highest quality in the world, meeting or exceeding US standards.”

He added that all of the patients he and his team have sent to Bangkok have nothing but positive feedback on procedures and medical experience. 

Image Source: traveldailynews.asia

This Facebook page provides more information on Steven Lash’s work in helping Americans get affordable, safe and quality treatment in Thailand and other countries through Satori World Medical.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Red meat and type 2 diabetes

Over the past few years, there has been a steadily growing body of knowledge on the negative effects of too much red meat consumption on the body. Previously, there were studies that found that high intake of meat contributed to one’s risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease both for its high fat content and the way choline, a substance present in red meat, is transformed by the bacteria in the gut into trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) which transports cholesterol to the arteries.

Image Source: anh-usa.org

Again, another study has been looking into the effects of red meat on the body and has found that too much of it can also gradually increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Earlier studies have already found that people who consumed a lot of red meat tended to have higher rates of diabetes. In this recent study, however, the researchers found that people who have increased their intake also showed higher rates of diabetes than those who’ve kept consumption to a certain level. Meanwhile, those who lowered their meat consumption were found to have also lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Image Source: onislam.net

The type of meat consumed is also a factor. The risk of diabetes was also found to be higher among people who ate mostly processed meat than those who ate unprocessed red meat. Further studies are needed to determine what the exact culprit is in the higher risk of developing the disease. However, this study does contribute to the growing body of knowledge that suggests that lowering intake of red meat and substituting this protein source with other food like fish and chicken is important to longevity.

Image Source:  .helenjaques.co.uk/

Steven Lash, the president and CEO of Satori World Medical, has over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Find relevant news and updates on health topics at www.satoriworldmed.com.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

REPOST: Study: 95% of People Don't Wash Their Hands 'Correctly'

This article from the Atlantic reveals that most people tend to take hand washing lightly, even though the simple act can help them avoid many diseases. Read the report here:

Image Source: theatlantic.com

PROBLEM: If you haven't consulted with the CDC's official guide to handwashing recently, you might be surprised to learn, as I was, that they don't distinguish between using warm or cold water. What is important, they say, is that you use soap, that you scrub well (including the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails) for at least 20 seconds, and that you dry your hands afterwards. The CDC also officially recommends humming the "Happy Birthday" song twice through for an accurate measure of time.

METHODOLOGY: Since "research has established that people generally overstate the degree to which they wash their hands," researchers at Michigan State hid out in four different bathrooms to see what was really happening. More specifically, they deputized their research assistants to do so. The assistants, who were instructed not to draw attention to themselves (they entered data into their phones so it would look like they were just texting), categorized people as not washing their hands at all, as wetting their hands but not using soap, or as washing with soap. In addition, they timed how long each person spent scrubbing.

RESULTS: Of 3,749 people observed leaving the bathrooms, 66.9 percent used soap, while 10.3 percent didn't wash their hands at all. The other 23 percent of people stopped at wetting their hands, in what the researchers, for some reason, call "attempted washing" (as if maybe those people just weren't sure how to follow through). Although the researchers generously counted the combined time spent washing, rubbing, and rinsing, only 5.3 percent of people spent 15 seconds or longer doing so, thus fulfilling the requirements of proper handwashing. They average time spent was 6 seconds.

Other findings include: people were less likely to wash their hands in the evening and significantly more likely to use soap in the morning; women, at 77.9 percent, were much more likely to use soap than men (50.3 percent), as were people perceived to be older than college aged, and soap was used more frequently when the sinks were clean.

IMPLICATIONS: Two separate surveys that relied on self-reports found that 96 percent of people claim to wash their hands consistently. If what's going on around Michigan State is any indication, the opposite is in fact true. Handwashing, again according to the CDC, "is the most effective thing one can do to reduce the spread of infectious disease."

Satori World Medical is a leading medical travel services provider. Follow this Twitter page to find more articles on health and wellness.

Medical travel in Thailand: How the country sees the future of the industry

Although Thailand is still the number one medical travel destination in the world, it is concerned about the future of medical travel, thinking that the high number of medical travelers and the low cost of medical procedures may not be enough to sustain the continued growth of the industry.

Image Source: businessinsider.com

The affordability of medical travel is one of the biggest reasons why more and more people opt to fly overseas for their treatment instead of having their medical procedures done at their home countries. However, using the lower cost of overseas health care to entice people to come to Thailand for medical travel can be dangerous, especially if it prevents hospitals and agents from thinking ahead on how to attract more medical travelers without lowering costs further and sacrificing their profit margins.

Image Source: glorysurgery.com

As lower profit margins can sometimes mean lower-quality services, Thailand should instead focus on adding more services and maintaining the high quality of medical care without reducing prices or sacrificing their bottom line. A recent Tourism Authority of Thailand survey confirms this. According to the survey, people still put experienced doctors, advanced technology, and high-quality facilities and staff ahead of lower costs.

Image Source: novasans.com

Steven Lash is the CEO of Satori World Medical, a San Diego company dedicated to providing affordable and high-quality health care to its clients. For more information about the premium medical travel services offered by Satori, visit the Satori website.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

REPOST: Soylent: Is the ‘Food of the Future’ Really a Nutrition Solution?

This article from Time.com sheds light on Soylent, which is advertised to be the future of nutrition. Read about it here:

Image Source: healthland.time.com

For the past five months, Rob Rhinehart has lived off Soylent, a milky mixture of vitamins and minerals he developed. He says it contains all the human body needs to be completely satiated and nutritionally balanced — and he believes it will change the way we eat.

“It started as a personal need for myself,” says Rhinehart, a 24-year-old software engineer based in San Francisco. “My diet before was pretty poor. I ate mainly convenient cheap foods because I wasn’t really that into food.”

For about a month, Rhinehart researched exactly what the body needs to survive, down to the biochemical level. His mixture is composed of lots of vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K. Check out the full ingredient mixture here. He started testing Soylent on himself, and found it gave him more energy, he lost weight and always felt full. On a trip home to Atlanta, Rhinehart says he came across an elderly neighbor, who had become gaunt with age as he grew too old to continue properly cooking. He realized Soylent might have benefits for other people too.

“It seemed ridiculous that things have gotten so efficient and streamlined and we have come so far, but we haven’t figure out how to get healthy food to everyone,” says Rhinehart. “In San Francisco, the food and health differences between the poorer and more affluent areas are so clear. It’s not that people don’t know what things are healthy and unhealthy. They don’t have the means.”

Some of Rhinehart’s arguments for the adoption of Soylent won’t appeal to everyone. He argues current eating behaviors are inconvenient. “I think people’s relationship with food would be a lot healthier if it was more of an option. People should be working on their education and their career and their passion. If cooking is one’s passion then that’s great, but for a lot of people it’s not,” he says. Besides a few meals on the weekend, Rhinehart only subsists on Soylent.

But when I asked him about whether he sees any potential for Soylent to play a role in public health and combating hunger, he was well versed in the issues of food insecurity and how Soylent could be a part of a greater change. “I think diet has a lot to do with one’s overall health,” he says. “I think it has a lot to do with health care expenditure. I think this could really help preventative care by allowing a lot of the body’s natural mechanisms to keep up and [maintain] the energy it needs to make it a healthy system.” Soylent doesn’t spoil; all the mixture needs is water. So it could not only cut down on food waste but could be easily transported.

Although Soylent sounds like an elixir for good health, dietitians have serious concerns about the lack of evidence to support it.

“The claims he is making are not scientifically substantiated,” says Joy Dubost, a registered dietitian and an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokeswoman. “The composition of what he has made is not going to be nutritionally adequate. He has made a lot of assumptions, and it is not going to be sustainable by any means for a certain population or even for an individual.”

Nor is Soylent the yummiest thing around, notes Dubost. Many people who’ve tried it have not been fond of the tasteless drink. Taking the pleasurable experience out of eating is counterintuitive because savoring a meal helps release hormones that regulate satiety and suppression of appetite. “If you’re not enjoying your food, chances are, you are going to overeat or undereat,” says Dubost. “I think, in the long run, this isn’t setting someone up to be healthy.”

Watch Rhinehart and his colleagues explain the benefits of Soylent:

Video Source: youtube.com

Satori World Medical is a San Diego-based medical travel services provider. Follow this Twitter page for more interesting news on what’s going on in the healthcare industry.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Medical travel: Eliminating the risks that come with overseas healthcare treatment

Having medical treatment abroad offers rewards that many have taken advantage of through the years. However, medical travel, especially when the treatment is performed in an unaccredited hospital and by a less reputable doctor, does not come without risks ranging from being exposed to a new strain of virus and experiencing ethical dilemmas.

Image Source: edition.cnn.com

Unfortunately, patients, like Orla Buckley, found out about this the hard way. Ms. Buckley, an American, was in Spain when she was involved in a soccer accident that shattered her kneecap. She underwent a surgery and spent about 10 days in a non-air conditioned ward that she shared with dozens of other patients. Ms. Buckley’s experience showed how American and overseas medical treatment differ in many aspects. And Spain is not even a country known to have backward medical practice.

Dr. Gary Brunette, a medical epidemiologist in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Travelers' Health Team, explains that Western Europe and other countries, like Australia, Canada, and Japan, give medical services that have a standard that matches that of the United States’. However, there are some regions in those countries where medical standards falter.

Image Source: mormonmommyblogs.com

Experts advise medical travelers to check on the following details before they board a plane and fly to their destination of choice:

• Finding the right doctor and hospital.

• Reading the fine prints of the medical insurance.

• Understanding what the doctors are saying.

• Being wary about the destination pharmacy.

• Using common sense.

With the growth of the medical travel industry, patients have more options of a suitable destination, facility, and other areas of concern.

Image Source: spryliving.com

This Facebook page provides more information about Steven Lash’s work in helping Americans get safe and quality yet affordable treatment overseas through Satori World Medical based in San Diego.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Blurring the distinction between medical and leisure travelers

The Pacific Asia Travel Association’s annual conference was just held recently, and medical travel in Asia was discussed as an important sector for Asian tourism. According to the key opinion leaders, long-term growth of the sector was expected to come from within the region. Attracting patients from other regions is still important, and the development of medical travel in Asia will have to take into account the needs and preferences of travelers from both faraway and near locations.

Image Source: mymedholiday.com

For a time, Asian destinations were considered as a niche market for travelers seeking medical treatment. With the advancements in the quality of care in medical centers throughout the region, Asian destinations became recognized and eventually emerged as the preferred option for patients seeking high-quality care that’s cheaper than what is offered in their home countries.

Image Source: .mymedholiday.com

Currently, there have been many discussions regarding the future of the medical travel industry. Industry specialists expect that healthcare institutions will also respond to the need for lower cost of care, which will reduce the number of patients traveling overseas for medical treatment. Meanwhile, those in the medical travel industry see opportunities for growth in responding to the needs of patients who are also travelers. The long-term development of medical travel, therefore, is hinged on not just offering lower-cost healthcare options, but also on creating complete travel and medical treatment packages that encourage a patient’s quick recovery.

Image Source: yourinsurancegirl.com

Steven Lash is currently the president and CEO of Satori World Medical, a leading medical travel company based in San Diego. Find more news about the healthcare industry on www.satoriworldmed.com.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Spinal fusion: Surgically correcting an S-shaped spine

To date, there are seven million Americans who are currently suffering from scoliosis, and some of them aren’t aware of the treatment that medicine can afford them. Fortunately, the surgical procedure used to treat scoliosis is fairly accessible and is actually recommended by many orthopedists.

Image Source: activelivingchiro.ca

For most orthopedic surgeons, age is an important factor to consider when performing any surgical procedure that aims to check scoliosis. In the event that a patient is deemed eligible for surgical scoliosis correction, he or she will undergo a procedure known as spinal fusion, a “welding” process that aims to realign and fuse the curved vertebrae (a basic problem in scoliosis) so that they can heal to form a single, solid bone. Once this is ensured, the growth of the abnormal segment of the spine will stop growing, hence preventing the worsening of the spine’s lateral curvature.

Image Source: scoliosisassociates.com

In this procedure, a bone graft (a transplanted bone tissue) is used to fuse the bones together. Grafts are usually taken from other parts of the body—most commonly from the pelvic bone—while other grafts are taken from bone banks (allograft) or even synthetic substitutes. These small pieces of bone tissue are then placed in between the vertebral disks to promote fusion.

After bone graft placement, some fixators (usually metal rods, screws, plates, and cages) are installed to ensure the tight placement of grafts and ultimately the healthy growth of the spine.

Image Source: danyluprichard.deviantart.com

Satori World Medical, a company founded and managed by Steven Lash, offers spinal fusion surgery at affordable rates. Learn more by visiting this website.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Increasing the range of Taiwan's medical travel sector

Yearly, there are millions of tourists who come in from China, making Taiwan heavily reliant on the Asian giant with regard to tourism—precisely why there is a need for Taiwan to attract more tourists from other countries, and turning Taiwan into a premier medical travel hub might be the key. And in order to do this and encourage overseas medical investments, Taiwan seeks to open up more of its healthcare sector to foreigners.

Image Source: asianews.itl

To attract foreign companies, the country established special economic zones that give tax, logistical, and economic advantages to foreign companies that settle there. These zones—which include Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, three major industrial parks—create thousands of jobs for the local populace. In order to open up more of its health sectors, Taiwan’s Council for Economic Planning and Development suggests giving foreigners more access to medical facilities in these locations.

Image Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Most medical travelers come to Taiwan for medical check-ups and cosmetic surgery, and offering access to a whole range of medical and hospital services may greatly increase the number of medical travelers.

Image Spurce: wantchinatimes.com

Steven Lash wants you to get only the best care, which is why Satori World Medical in San Diego has all its facilities and doctors undergo a rigorous on-site inspection process led by Satori’s Board-Certified Chief Medical Officer. For more on how medical travel can help you save your hard-earned money, visit the Satori website.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Costs of stroke treatment expected to rise over the next few years

Stroke is currently listed as one of the leading causes of death among Americans. The American Heart Association (AHA) reports that almost 1 in 25 Americans will suffer from a stroke, and stroke incidence is estimated to increase by 20% by 2030.

Image Source: kurzweilai.net

Meanwhile, the AHA also reported on its journal Stroke that the costs of treatment may likewise surge from $72 billion to $183 billion. The annual cost of the illness due to the lack of productivity is also expected to sharply increase. The high cost of stroke is attributed to the fact that most of them lead to permanent disability. According to the AHA report, only 10% of stroke sufferers fully recover while 90% of the sufferers end up with some form of disability after the stroke.

Image Source: abcnews.go.com

Making matters worse is that the people found to be at high risk of suffering from a stroke, among other heart-related conditions, were 45 to 64 year-olds. Individuals belonging in this age group may find more trouble with the cost of care because they are still too young for Medicare, and many of them tend to not have insurance.

Given these predictions, health experts are recommending a preventive approach to dealing with the problem. About 80% of strokes are preventable, and controlling factors like cholesterol and blood sugar levels early may allow a person to avoid the phenomenal costs later on.

Image Source: pvhmc.org

Steven Lash is a seasoned healthcare executive and entrepreneur. He is currently the president and CEO of Satori World Medical. Find more news about the healthcare industry at www.satoriworldmed.com.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Breast augmentation results exceed women's expectations

A prospective outcome study conducted in behalf of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) shows that 98 percent of women who underwent breast augmentation surgery say the results met or exceeded their expectations. Participants narrated their satisfaction in several areas, including recovery time, complications, and psychological benefits.

Image Source: blog.silktouchmedspa.com

During recovery period, the women reported an average pain score of 5.9 in a 10-point scale. Generally, they used pain medication for just five days and started going to work seven days after surgery. All in all, the patients felt that they were back to normal within 25 days following the surgery.

In terms of complications, a number of the women said they felt numbness of the nipples, but only a handful confirmed that the numbness persisted. Additionally, the complication rate was only minimal.

Image Source: breastblaug.com

Psychologically speaking, the after-effects of breast augmentation included improved self-esteem and quality of life. In fact, 92 percent of the respondents affirmed that they’ve become more confident, and 64 percent reported a better quality of life.

Patient satisfaction is the most important gauge of success when it comes to breast augmentation and other types of plastic surgery. The ASPS study serves as an invaluable reminder that the patient’s perspective is as important as that of the surgeon’s.

Image Source: suffolkplasticsurgeon.com

For more about plastic surgery and other news on health care, follow this Twitter page for Steven Lash, president and chief executive officer of Satori World Medical.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Better care for less money: Why more Australians are opting for medical travel

Many young people are not comfortable with how they look, which makes them opt for cosmetic surgery to correct their “flaws.” In Australia, many youngsters are turning to medical travel to fulfill their wishes of transforming their look.

cosmetic surgery B+S nov 1
Image Source: news.com.au

Cosmetic surgeries can be very expensive, especially in a developed country like Australia. This is the primary reason why many young Australians head overseas, most of the time to neighboring Asian countries, such as Thailand, India, and South Korea, to have their cosmetic procedures done, despite the anti-medical travel campaign that Australian doctors is waging to protect their bottom line. Medical travel surgeries overseas are affordable that, in fact, even with travel and accommodation costs thrown in, they are still cheaper than undergoing surgery in Australia.

Image Source: skynews.com.au

Overseas cosmetic surgery is a $300-million dollar industry in Australia alone. And with more and more people opting for medical travel not just for the procedure, but also for lower costs, medical travel truly is changing the face of health care around the world.

Image Source: beauty.msn.co.nz

Established by Steven Lash in 2008, Satori World Medical in San Diego aims to provide Americans with high-quality health care at a fraction of the cost. Today, it is one of the country’s largest and most respected medical travel services provider, with its International Centers of Excellence spanning eight countries across the globe. If you are interested in the services Satori offers, visit its website for detailed information about its services.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Demystifying medical travel

Image Source: medicaltravelinsurance.co

Medical travel has seen a phenomenal surge in the United States. With more and more people considering this option for cost-effective health care, the media has quickly picked up, and before long, medical travel has reached mainstream media exposure, further helping spread public awareness.

But in the course of information dissemination, several erroneous notions about medical travel have found their way into the public consciousness. And while it may hold true in some isolated cases, an overwhelming number of the cases would prove otherwise, thus classifying them as myths which need to be debunked:

Medical procedures done abroad are always riskier

All medical procedures entail risks, whether they are performed within or outside the country. Also, medical travel agencies are sensitive of the clients’ regard for quality, which is why they do their best to ensure that the hospitals they are affiliated with are of the highest caliber. Steven Lash, for example, personally makes sure that hospitals in the Satori Global Network equal, if not surpass, the quality of medical care being provided by domestic hospitals.

Image Source: stevenlash.blogspot.com

Medical travel is exclusive for cosmetic procedures

Probably the main reason for this misconception is the excessive promotion of cosmetic surgery packages in mainstream media. But nothing can be farther from the truth. Satori World Medical, for example, offers over 150 procedure packages in a wide range of medical specializations—from cardiac to dental.

Medical travel is a tour package with some medical procedure thrown in

Because medical travel agencies use exotic places to help them market their services, many people eventually got the impression that tourism is the primary purpose of medical travel. However, some sight-seeing may only be possible for non-invasive procedures or those with minimal recovery time. Those who will undergo major surgeries, however, may be advised to stay in total bed rest to help expedite total recovery, thus deterring them from having any side trips in their destinations.

Image Source: physictourism.com

After breaking into the medical travel scene in 2008, Steven Lash has led Satori World Medical into unprecedented success. This Facebook page shares more information on medical travel.