Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ayurvedic therapy: An introduction to the age-old form of healing

Considered by many scholars to be the oldest form of alternative medicine, Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health and well-being which originated from India’s ancient Vedic culture. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means life (ayus) and knowledge (veda). It has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years, and has become popular in Western cultures. The basic goal of Ayurveda is to prevent and treat illnesses by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and consciousness through proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, and natural and herbal remedies.

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Ayurveda is based on the principle that each person has a distinct pattern of energy or doshas. It is believed that there are three types of energy in every individual: vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth).

Vata controls body functions associated with motion (blood circulation, breathing, and heartbeat). When the vata is balanced, there is creativity and vitality; otherwise, the person experiences fear and anxiety. Pitta controls the body’s metabolic system. If it is balanced, contentment and intelligence are achieved. If not, the person develops ulcer and anger. Kapha controls body growth and maintains the immune system. If the kapha in a person is balanced, there is love and forgiveness, instead of envy and insecurity, that exist within.

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Ayurvedic treatment focuses on rebalancing the three doshas. Treatments of this ancient form of healing include:

a. Pranayama – breathing exercises to calm a person

b. Abhyanga – rubbing oil to the skin to increase circulation

c. Rasayana – of the use of mantras and meditation for rejuvenation

d. Pancha karma – cleansing and purifying the body of toxins through sweat, bowel movement, and even vomiting

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Steven Lash is the president and CEO of Satori World Medical, a global health care company which offers various medical services, including Ayuverdic therapy. Satori World Medical’s official website lists the other services offered by its International Centers of Excellence.

On colon cancer: Knowing the symptoms

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In many cases, colon cancer does not show symptoms. They begin to manifest only when the disease has progressed. This is why regular screening, especially for people aged 50 and above, is important.

Knowing the tell-tale signs of colon cancer can save lives. Below are some symptoms that may indicate colon cancer:

Changes in bowel habits

Bowel movements are bound to change. However, signs such as constant constipation and diarrhea should not be ignored. “Pencil stools” (stools that are narrower than normal), the sensation of full bowel after bowel movement, and blood in the stool are important warning signs that indicate an ensuing colon problem.

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Abdominal pains and cramps

Abdominal pain (aching, bloating, gas pain, or cramps) is often a rectal cancer warning sign.

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Weight loss and extreme tiredness

Unintended or unexplained weight loss and fatigue can point to problems in the colon. Unexplained weight loss is due to the presence of polyps that cause quick metabolism. Meanwhile, extreme tiredness is attributed to the microscopic bleeding in the colon that results to anemia.

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Once these signs are established, it is important to seek medical help immediately. Early detection of these signs can ward off colon cancer.

Steven Lash is a seasoned healthcare specialist who founded Satori World Medical. More relevant information on medical care is available at this blog.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For your eyes only: Understanding LASIK

Although LASIK, or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, has been a common procedure in recent years, a lot of people are still unfamiliar about it. It is a type of refractive surgery in which a laser is used to reshape the cornea, improving how the eye focuses light into the retina, thereby correcting visual acuity problems.

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Before people decide to undergo this procedure, here are some things they need to take note of:

LASIK is not for everybody. People below 18 years are not qualified for this procedure, as their vision is still changing. Pregnant or nursing women are also not allowed to undergo this procedure because measured refraction or vision usually changes during pregnancy, and LASIK requires stable vision for it to work correctly.

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LASIK may not give a perfect vision. The American Academy of Ophthalmology reports that 9 out of 10 patients achieve somewhere between a 20/20 vision and a 20/40 vision, which is still not sharp enough for some activities.

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LASIK does not prevent presbyopia. This condition is the age-related loss of the focusing power of the eye. Even people who underwent LASIK will still need glasses as they get older.

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Although LASIK greatly improves one’s vision, it still has risks and is expensive and may not be covered by some health insurance companies in the US. For people without health insurance, getting the services of medical travel companies, such as Steven Lash’s Satori World Medical and David Boucher’s Companion Global Healthcare, can be a cheaper alternative to LASIK procedures offered locally.

Satori World Medical’s official website offers a list of procedures that patients can choose to undergo overseas.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Kidney loving: Taking care of the kidneys

Due to the rising costs of medical care in the US, more and more people are seeing the importance of taking care of their body. However, two of the most neglected body organs that people often take for granted are the kidneys, with one in six Americans binge drinking about four times a month.

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Why are the kidneys important?

Kidneys are important because they remove waste products and excess fluid from the body through the urine. This process is essential to maintain a constant balance in body chemicals. In addition, hormones that affect the function of other organs are also produced by the kidneys.
It is vital that people take care of their kidneys. To do this, here are some simple tips that people need to remember:

Staying hydrated. Hydration helps the kidneys produce more urine, thus preventing the buildup of toxic chemicals in the body. Urine that is colored yellow or lighter is a sign of proper hydration, while dark-colored urine is a sign of dehydration.

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Eating healthily. People should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables because these types of food keep blood pressure at an optimum level, which is beneficial to the kidneys.

Reducing salt consumption. Excessive salt consumption causes hypertension, which in turn causes kidney dysfunction and failure.

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Avoiding smoking and binge drinking. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption cause damage to the kidneys and have been linked to kidney cancer.

Proponents of medical travel, like Raj Joseph and Steven Lash, believe that getting a kidney transplant in the US is very expensive and that a better option would be to have the procedure performed overseas, where it is far cheaper.

For more healthcare-related matters, visit this website.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

SALGBA: Global healthcare innovation

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Working at local government agencies are some of the unsung heroes of the US, working long hours to serve US citizens. Thus, it is just proper that for the work hours they put in, they get proper compensation, especially health benefits. However, since the healthcare expenses increase every year, the government needs to find another way to provide high-quality healthcare for its hardworking employees.

This is why Satori World Medical, a leader in medical travel services, presented the latest innovations in global healthcare at the State and Local Government Benefits Association (SALGBA) conference in April last year, focusing on the benefits of medical travel and how medical travel can alleviate government spending on increasing healthcare expenses.

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Since the government is continually seeking ways to lower its expenses, providing high-quality health care by traditional means is getting increasingly difficult. According to this article, Satori CEO Steven Lash says that by providing medical travel benefits, city and state municipalities can save money while their workers and retirees can enjoy high-quality medical care. This is a win-win situation for both the government and its employees.

The SALGBA conference is a gathering of executives and administrators and is a great way for medical travel advocates to educate both local and state agencies on the benefits of medical travel.

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For more information on medical travel and how it can help you, visit this website.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

REPOST: Nanofibers: A new platform for protecting against HIV and pregnancy?

What are nanofibers? How do they help prevent AIDS and pregnancy? Read about this new study from this article.

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In theory, it shouldn’t be too difficult to protect oneself against HIV and other STIs, as well as pregnancy. Condoms, after all, are very effective. But in practice, it’s not so simple. Many of the people at high risk for HIV, for instance, are women who don’t have much control over whether their partners wear protection. Taking daily medication or applying drug-laden gels also have their downsides—people forget, they find it inconvenient, there’s c. So finding ways to provide protection thats get over these hurdles is an important research goal.

Scientists at the University of Washington think a new delivery platformmay be a step in the right direction. They’ve created nanofibers embedded with pre-existing drugs against HIV-1, HIV-2, and sperm. Theoretically, these stretchy microfabrics could be inserted into the vagina directly or on the surface of another device, such as a vaginal ring, and act as both a physical and chemical barrier. The real kicker is the fact that the nanofiber can release the drugs slowly, so the device could protect women against STIs for an extended period of time after insertion.

To form these fibers, the scientists use a method called electrospinning. They apply voltage to a mix of liquid polymers and antiretroviral drugs. As the gooey concoction whips through the air, it forms fibers that stretch to diameters as thin as one 25-millionth of an inch. The scientists then collect the flying fibers on a plate to form the drugged fabrics. The size and solubility of the fibers can be carefully controlled—one type of fiber was designed to dissolve within minutes for immediate protection, while another took days to dissolve. While the drugs themselves are nothing new, this versatility gives the nanofibers the potential to be a more discreet and convenient delivery option than existing gels or pills.

So far, the fibers have proven effective in the lab but have yet to be tested beyond the petri dish—where it really counts.

This Satori World Medical Facebook page gives readers interesting articles and updates about health and medical travel.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Educating people on medical travel

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In recent years, more and more people are opting for medical travel primarily because of the increasing cost of healthcare procedures in the US. Medical travel is affordable and effective, and destination hospitals provide health care that is comparable, if not better, than what is offered by top-rated US hospitals.

However, even with all the benefits of medical travel, it is surprising that there are still a lot of people who aren’t aware of what medical travel is and what it can do for them.

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Clearly, there is a lack of awareness regarding medical travel, and it needs to be rectified. Recently, Satori World Medical, a medical travel service provider, released a new video on medical travel that aims to demystify the history, process, and trend of medical travel. The video was also made to give people a better understanding of why an increasing number of people have been traveling outside their countries to have surgical procedures done and why medical travel is a very viable alternative to traditional, domestic health care.

In this article, Steven Lash of Satori said that the steady rise in healthcare costs has resulted in an increased need to educate people on what options they have for obtaining high quality and affordable healthcare and medical procedures. He also said that the video released by Satori has enough information to educate those who are unfamiliar with medical travel.

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For more information about medical travel, visit this website.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Offshore liability: Can offshore hospitals be held responsible?

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 Because of the rising cost of health care in the US, more and more people are considering getting treatment abroad. Medical travel offers the same high-quality health care at only a fraction of the cost but not everyone is convinced; some are mostly concerned about hospital safety and liability.

One of the reasons why healthcare cost in the US is expensive is that the US healthcare system is the most bureaucratic healthcare system in the world, with thousands of different for-profit companies all vying for healthcare dollars. Another reason is that doctors and hospitals have expensive malpractice insurance policies in case they get sued.

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Experts in medical travel, like Steven Lash and Wouter Hoeberechts, note that hospitals in other countries rarely encounter such problems and medical malpractice lawsuits seldom happen. While both of these translate to cheaper health care, most people still wonder how these hospitals will act and will be held responsible if something goes wrong during a surgery.

Of course, when something goes haywire during an operation, the hospital is held responsible. Hospitals heavily rely on their and their doctors’ reputation, and the delivery of top-notch health services. To prove to patients that they follow strict industry guidelines, many offshore hospitals are Joint Commission International-accredited. The Joint Commission International is the international arm of the commission that accredits well-known US hospitals like the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, and the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

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Visit this website for more information on medical travel.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why is offshore health care cheaper?

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The number of patients who opt to travel outside the US to have their medical procedures done had been rising steadily because it’s more affordable. For instance, in the US, heart bypass surgeries can cost around $70,000 to $80,000 but in Asia, it’s priced at around $10,000 only. Saving money is the main reason why American patients are flying to countries like India, Thailand, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Mexico for high-quality yet inexpensive medical care.

One might wonder how these hospitals can provide world-class health care at such low rates.

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An AlterNet article explains that the reason why US health care is more expensive is because most of the money paid for hospital bills go to insurance company bureaucracy, profits, high corporate salaries, advertising, and sales commissions, and hospitals are forced to maintain large billing and negotiating staff to deal with all of these. In addition, doctors and hospitals in the US carry expensive medical malpractice insurance policies in case they get sued. By contrast, the money of the patients getting treatment abroad goes to the surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other medical workers, making affordable and high-quality health care possible.

Steven Lash, president and CEO of Satori World Medical, the world’s first global healthcare network and service company, also asserts that, based on current projections, “rising healthcare costs will continue to increase over the next ten years and will continue to consume an increasingly greater portion of an individual’s personal income.” Because of this trend, alternative healthcare solutions, one of which is medical travel, are here to stay.

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 This website offers more information on medical travel.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Crowd funding: Fighting increasing healthcare costs

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In the world of technology and social media, crowd funding or the collective effort by individuals or groups to raise revenue via the Internet for creative projects or activities, such as building computer games or giving a bullied bus monitor a much-needed vacation, is very common. In the healthcare industry, however, crowd funding is not that common, at least until now.

Due to rising medical costs, underinsured and uninsured Americans are having a hard time shouldering their healthcare costs, which is why an increasing number of Americans turn to social media for help. An example of this would be Caleb Medley, a victim of the Aurora shooting incident. Caleb’s medical bills skyrocketed to almost $2 million after he was shot in the eye. With no way of paying that huge amount, his family and friends started a website and set up a Facebook page to raise money via crowd funding.

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In addition to social networking sites, many crowd funding sites, such as, are also being used by Americans to raise money for health care that they could not otherwise afford. Websites like these generate a lot of funds, with’s Medical, Illness, and Healing category being the most popular category, attracting 17 percent of the total donations to the website. Some crowd funding websites, like and, specifically cater to medical crowd funding and also attract donations in the millions.

For Americans who cannot afford rising healthcare costs, crowd funding websites and medical travel providers that offer affordable, high-quality health care, such as Steven Lash’s Satori World Medical or David Boucher’s Companion Global Healthcare, can be a blessing.

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Visit this website for more information.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Procrastination: The risks of delaying health care

This article talks about the risks of delaying healthcare and the advantages of detecting and treating diseases early on.

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“I'll do it tomorrow.” You’ve all heard this said countless times. You even may have said this yourself. This is the art of procrastination, of putting things you need to do for another day. In health care, this is especially not recommended, as delaying healthcare carries risks.

Proponents of medical health, like Steven Lash and Andre Stachewitsch, agree that too often, a lot of people treat health care to be not as important as going to work or missing a class in college. This should not be the case, as your boss will just scold or reprimand you if you don’t go to work, and provided you take the time to study to make up for missed classes, there is little chance of you failing in college. However, if you delay health care, you risk your very life.

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Take diabetes for example. There are millions of Americans who have diabetes and don’t know that they have it because it has no visible symptoms. Thus, a lot of people die from stroke, chronic kidney disease, and heart attacks due to diabetes complications that could have been prevented had the disease been diagnosed and treated early on. It is the same case for hypertension, which, if detected early, can be treated with a simple diet change and exercise.

This early detection and treatment doesn’t just work for the big-name diseases but also for the mundane ones. For example, the loss of teeth can be prevented by regular visits to the dentist.

Procrastinate procrastination and take care of your health now.

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For more information, visit this website.